Break out your bike — I’ve got 5 reasons to hit the trails
Need an excuse to dust off the bike and hit some trails this weekend? Look no further — I’ve got 5 great reasons why you should take some time out to go trail bike riding ASAP! Aside from the obvious reasons like that it’s an awesome workout, it’s exciting and it’s a lot less risky than riding on the road — I’ve got five more reasons for you below. Read on…

1. The whole family can get involved
Make trail riding a family affair! There are a variety of trails in every town and city that are suitable for all ages and ability levels. You know what they say, “families that ride together, stay together”. Well maybe no one says that, but they should! Because I guarantee that with every ride you’ll feel a closer connection as a family.
2. It gets you outdoors
Sunshine, Vitamin D, fresh air — need I say more? Trail riding is a great excuse to pull yourself away from those screens and get outside. Rain, hail or shine (the more mud the merrier I say) — trail riding is always ready and waiting for you.
3. Low impact
Riding causes less strain, issues and injuries than nearly all other forms of exercise. You get to develop the same strength and stamina as you would with other forms of fitness but being seated in the bike means there’s little-to-no impact on your joints. Another bonus is that while trail riding does require some skill as you tackle more advanced trails, it doesn’t require high levels of physical skill or gameplay like some other sports. Most people know how to ride a bike and then navigating becomes more of a mental challenge than a physical one.
4. Adrenaline and endorphin rush
Can you name another feeling that’s quite as good as coasting down a steep hill or rounding a fast bend? Well, maybe eating a hot slice of pizza straight from the oven, or for the ladies, soaking in a warm bubble bath. But those can come after the bike ride. The thrill and adventure of trail riding is what will keep you coming back for more. Not too mention how good you feel afterwards — all those endorphins leave you feeling so high on exercise that you forgot it even was exercise.
5. It doesn’t involve a treadmill
Exercising indoors can become boring and monotonous. Where’s the excitement of walking miles in the same spot, in the same gym on the same treadmill? BORING! Being outdoors and the excitement that trail riding brings means you are more likely to continue to do it regularly. Physical activities that keep you indoors or require special times or places really just can’t compare!

If you’re still reading this (which you shouldn’t be — you should be loading your bike into your car right now) I hope we’ve sparked or re-sparked a passion for trail riding. Give it a try and I guarantee you’ll be going back for more. You can thank me when you’re stronger, fitter, faster, leaner and happier with a little bit of trail riding in your life. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and ride!