It’s fluffy, it barks and it’s the key to improving your health and fitness
It’s common knowledge that dogs are a man’s (and a woman’s) best friend. They’re loyal, loving, and are always happy to see you! But not only that, did you know that owning a dog comes with great health and fitness benefits too?
Is it you walking the dog or is your dog walking you?
The American Heart Association has recently found that dog owners are 54% more likely to meet and exceed the recommended level of daily physical activity. Those walks with Fido, Spot and Rex really do add up — to approximately 870 miles a year actually to be exact. A study of 2000 dog owners has found that dog owners spend approximately 34 minutes a day walking their dog. That’s a distance of almost 4km a day or nearly 9000 steps. Congratulations you just hit your recommended daily step goal just by walking the dog!

It’s not just the walks…
The survey also found that over a period of 12 months, dog owners also played 2340 games of fetch. That’s a workout in itself — especially if your dog isn’t so good at the fetching part. Give that ball a really powerful throw to work your biceps, shoulders, back and core muscles. Repeat several thousand times and voilà — welcome to the gun show.
Dogs keep you accountable
How could you say no to those puppy dog eyes? Even when you’re tired or you’ve had a long day at work; if your dog whines for a walk you take that good boy for a walk. Walking the dog becomes a responsibility, which means you’re more likely to do it. Dogs force you into moderate physical activity everyday — they’re basically four-legged personal trainers.

Your kids benefit too
Families who have a dog also have children who are more likely to spend time playing outside. Walking the dog is commonly a shared task among family members so it’ll be benefitting everyone! Not only that, children who grow up with a dog during their infancy also have a stronger immune system, more empathy and a more positive outlook on life.
That’s not all the health benefits
While dogs can improve our physical health they can also improve our mental wellbeing. Numerous studies have found that spending even just a few minutes with your dog can lower anxiety, stress and blood pressure, and increase levels of serotonin and dopamine — the “happy chemicals”. That extra walking that you’re doing means that you’ve got better cardiovascular health too — that means lower blood pressure, lower triglycerides and in men, lower cholesterol.

I’m not sure what we human beings did to deserve dogs but I’m forever glad they’re here on Earth with us. These four-legged fitness fanatics are our own personal trainers that only require payment in treats and cuddles. Don’t be fooled by other fads — dogs are the tried and true way to getting your fitness on track and maintaining it. So what are you doing still reading this? Take your dog for a walk as soon as you are able, you will be rewarded.