Moving to South Florida? Here’s What You Should Know!

Even before the pandemic in 2020 started, people from all over the world have been moving to South Florida in droves. In the last decade, Florida went from having a population of 18.8 million in 2010 to 21.5 million in 2020, according to the Tampa Bay Times. While all this growth is great for our local economies and our communities in Stuart, and Palm City, we’ve also noticed a decline in our local traditions that might seem weird to people not from around here. So, if you do decide to join our state, please feel free to share our customs as well. Here are just a few to note:
Stop and Help a Turtle
It’s not uncommon to be driving in Florida and see a gopher tortoise crossing a road. These are keystone animals of the state and should be helped at all costs. These animals, along so many other species that are native, need our help more than ever with the population and growth happening. True Floridians will stop their car, pick up the tortoise, and help it cross the road so it will avoid being hit. The rule is to always walk it in the direction it was heading in.
Smile and Wave at Your Neighbors
This one might be a little weird to the new people moving into the neighborhood from the cold, but the sunny weather has made this a generational tradition over the last century in Florida. When you are in your neighborhood, whether walking, driving, or biking, it’s a good idea to wave and/or crack a smile at the passerby-er. It’s a simple nice gesture and shows some kindness to your neighbors, which can put everyone more at ease and relaxed.
Stop Treating the Roads as Your Racetrack
It seems that the more our So Flo area grows, the more people drive erratically. The problem with this is that it really changes the Florida mentality, which is supposed to be laid back and more relaxed. It’s impossible to keep that kind of lifestyle though if we are all terrified for our lives every time we get on 95, or need to run up to Publix, so for the love of God, stop driving like you’re on a racetrack. Calm down, we will all get to where we need to go.
Clean Up After Yourself
There’s recently been an increase in litter in South Florida and not just the random pieces of garbage that came off of a garbage truck. I’m talking about the garbage that people are leaving behind at the park, the beaches and springs, and the bridges. There are fishing lines and lures, and fast food cups and wrappers. Please, remember to take that stuff either home with you to go in your garbage or make an effort to clean up after yourself so other people can also enjoy their home.