Your plant collecting is actually good for you!
While stamp collecting was all the rage back in the day, today there’s another item that people are collecting — PLANTS!
You’re either one of two types of people –
- You are the plant collector
2. You have a friend that is a plant collector
For me, I’m the friend. I have a couple of friends who are OBSESSED with buying plants — mostly the indoor kind. They share at least once a week on their story that they’ve bought or acquired a new one. Their house is just full of indoor plants. Turns out though it’s not such a bad hobby. Collecting indoor plants actually has more benefits that just transforming your house a cool looking rainforest. Here’s 5 reasons why collecting indoor plants is actually good for you.

- Fresh, fresh air
Want clean air in your house or apartment? You need to buy yourself a Spider Plant or a Rubber Plant. Both eliminate toxins from the air and clean the air inside your house. And an added bonus is they’re both super easy to look after as well. If you want to increase the oxygen in your place then the Snake Plant should be on your list to buy. The Snake Plant is one of only a few plants that actually release oxygen into the air at night-time as well as day-time. Breathe easy!
2. Smell good
Strategically pick your plants and they’ll not only look great but they’ll smell great too. Jasmine, dwarf kaffir lime trees, gardenia, scented geraniums and even eucalyptus plants can fill your home with a fresh smell that means you can throw your artificial air fresheners in the bin.
3. Stress less
Studies have shown that having multiple plants in your home, or even in your workplace help to reduce stress and fatigue and enhance productivity.
For this you’ll want to pick some plants with broad leaves like the bamboo palm or weeping fig. The key is to place them near your desk or in an area of the home where children do their homework or you do some work. You’ll be stressing less and feeling success before you know it!

4. Health benefits
Two words — Aloe Vera. Aloe is an essential to add to any plant lover’s collection. It’s my favorite and most-used plant EVER (especially seeing as I’m always burning myself when cooking). Aloe is known for its antibacterial properties and topical use on the skin. Just snap off a stalk and rub the liquid on your inflammation or skin issue — I even use it on cold sores. It’s a bathroom staple for me. It grows best with a little bit of sun so up on your bathroom windowsill is the perfect spot.
5. Cheap decor
Transform even the most drab and boring room with some inexpensive plants. Plants are definitely the most affordable décor option — and better yet they never go out of style! And with all the health benefits they’re much more valuable than your regular piece of art.
So if you’re not the crazy plant collector in your friendship circle, then maybe it’s time that you are? Just be warned, once you start you won’t be able to stop.